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Elena Grigorieva
Leading Researcher Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch
Richa Garg
Advisor, Research and Analysis Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
New Zealand
Indira Prajuli
Academician Nepal Academy of Science and Technology , Permanent Faculty Department of Environmental Science
Victoria Metcalf
Kaimanaaki Matua Tūhono Hapori Whānui External Engagement Advisor Royal Society Te Apārangi
New Zealand
Faroha Liaqat
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
Sakia Shabnam Kader
Senior Lecturer Daffodil International University , M.Phil Student Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Ana Cristina Vasquez Vargas
PhD candidate State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University , Professor Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT)