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Dr. Tista Prasai Joshi is a senior scientist at the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). She has consistently worked in NAST for the last 20 years with a key focus on drinking water quality research. She received an M.Sc. degree in Environmental Microbiology and an M.A. degree in Anthropology in the years 2001 and 2005, respectively from Tribhuvan University, and a Ph. D. degree in Environmental Engineering in 2017 from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). Her research work associated with water quality and treatment has appeared in many leading journals, such as Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Environment Pollution, Chemosphere, RSC advances, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. She has registered a patent in China and also writes several science awareness articles in her native language. She has presented her work at many national and international conferences. She mentors the research work of the Ph.D., post-graduate and graduate students and delivers guest lectures at university colleges in her field of expertise. Dr. Tista delivers guest lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students on water microbiology, water pollution, and treatment technologies at Tribhuvan University colleges. She also facilitates and mentors the master-level research works in particular water-related projects. She is an editorial board member of various national and international journals. She is an active member of various scientific communities. Except for academic research, she is active in the community, governmental, and industrial consulting activities. She has been awarded the UCAS Excellent International Student award, 2017, the OWSD-Elsevier Foundation award in Biological Sciences from the Asia Pacific region 2019, and UNESCO-OWSD early career fellowship 2019. Recently, she has been awarded TWAS-Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award, 2024.